Bingo Session 30 Ball Canada
Start Time 04/16/24 19:00:00
Price 500.00
Total Game Sets 200
Numbers Horses Column 1 (1-10)
Purchase Cards No Total Prize 100,000.00 Total Awarded 100,000.00 Duration 00:44:36
Description HH- HORSIES Please get # from history. A horse race is 10 20 30 for example.FIRST horsie to win a race counts. First horsie to win x3 is declared the winner! Pays 5000 per rider! Good luck all!
Winner Info
ritak1961 , Dreamer21 , JSANCHEZ , Cindy_Boop , whisper45 , camarogirl79 , ROSES74 , sarahjaneatkin , JAMTART25 , mammaroo , bearlover24 , Mandi69 , donnapeloquin94 , FIREFLY88 , achildofgod1982 , cadamin , katbarter57 , Punsey , samIam65 , Bitemedeal2
Bingo GameIds
21778282 , 21778297 , 21778312 , 21778327 , 21778343 , 21778358 , 21778372 , 21778387 , 21778405 , 21778413 , 21778424 , 21778439 , 21778452 , 21778467 , 21778482 , 21778496